True Conspiracy Theories 2023-NOW THE END BEGINS-SEPT 30 2023

9 months ago

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, we are in the midst of a war, and it's a war for the control of your mind, your thoughts and what you believe to be true. The 'ministry of truth' from the book '1984' is alive and active not only in America, but throughout the entire world. Every day, the media presents us with repackaged truth and tells us what we are to think and believe about it. People who align with the majority are rewarded while those who oppose it are taken down. James Edgar Rankin writes "Those rejecting the official accounts of significant suspicious and impactful events are often labeled conspiracy theorists and the alternative explanations they propose are often referred to as conspiracy theories. These labels are often used to dismiss the beliefs of those individuals who question potentially hegemonic control of what people believe. The conspiracy theory concept functions as an impediment to legitimate discursive examination of conspiracy suspicions." On this episode, we give you some stunning real-life examples of things that were once dismissed as conspiracy theory that later turned out to be quite true. Ahh, yet another program that will earn me a 'strike' on YouTube, and that's not a conspiracy theory. But it is a conspiracy.

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