La Llorona sang by Danny in the park

1 year ago

Random stop in the park included meeting Danny, who has a landscaping business and had also come to the park to practice climbing trees so he can begin tree trimming. He asked if I wanted to hear a song. I asked if I could record it. In mutual agreement, a song in exchange for a recording with permission to post… I heard the words and was immediately transported into another realm. I knew the song. Well, I know the story. In fact, on New Years Eve 2022 into 2023 I did a bridging ceremony from 11pm - 1am. It included a reading and a meditation activation. The story I read was, and the song he sang was…. La Llorona. Now there are many versions of the story. The one however that I was drawn to, that breathed insight into life, is from the book Women Who Run with the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes. Danny brought my attention to the story. I went home and reread it. After 9 months from the first reading, wisdom had birthed. I was able to see now with clarity what was obscured 9 months ago. This is the reason integration and gestational periods of self growth and learning are imperative. Life is not a fast food drive through. It is a slow cooker. I could have easily missed that moment. Driven right past the park determined to get to the destination. I could have ignored him and steered clear, keeping to my own space. Yet, the moment was ripe for truth to emerge and so it did. The wisdom of the story? I am not handing it to you on a silver platter. I suggest, you grab yourself a copy of the book, head to the park and read La Llorona. Or, you can DM me and set up a call and we can chat. I will read you the story and we can process it’s meaning for you. For if you are in a certain kind of place, this WILL surely strike you a certain way that likely some part of you is craving at a soul level. #lallorona #womenwhorunwiththewolves #thelittlematchgirl #threegoldenhairs #laquesabe #theanimus #storytelling #nourishingthecreativelife #takingbacktheriver #themanontheriver #fireontheriver #pollutionofthewildsoul #rioabajorio #wildwoman

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