Weird Human Habits: Full Metal Ox Day 946

11 months ago

Full Metal Ox Day 946
Renaissance Year Episode 1011

Weird Human Habits

If you gave humans a long enough timeline, they'd certainly eliminate each other. I write as a human living in a simulation so I am partially removed. I see and recall some of my former, or diminishing human habits. Criticizing others has reflected the scrutiny on myself. I make adjustments.
There was this ad where one actress wearing braids, most likely a weave, i.e. not her real hair, was discouraging the other actress not to braid her long ginger (orange really) hair on the grounds of cultural appreciation.
I will point out that this is another trap. To think one person's hairdo can represent an entire culture is far out there baby. If I gathered 12 women from the 12 corners of the planet an asked them about braids and culture, it would be a pleasant conversation, until a prize (or price) was offered to the one who could prove, or demonstrate that braids were originally part of her culture.
You'll get the idea when you watch this episode.
In my simulation, as you know, the plan is depopulation, by an estimated 85%. I could be wrong but 85% of the planet is melinated. Nonetheless, the depopulation plan doesn't discriminate when it comes to those outside of the inner circle. Although they will eliminate esoteric members of the cabal if necessary.
As usual, I digress.
The THEY, for some occult reason, seems to have an accelerated desire to reduce the population. As usual, those who have been tasked with the project are incompetent. They probably argue amongst themselves behind closed doors as to how to accomplish this task. Plus, there are likely spies within their system working clandestinely to sabotage the effort.
White people, of course, think that this plan is targeted against them. But there aren't enough white people on the planet to reach 85%. I will reiterate that I cannot recall any Gates Foundation vaccines trials in Scandinavia, Iceland or Japan for that matter. Still, I am aware of Kalergi, his position and his plan.
Welcome to depopulation targets anonymous.
We'll skim over this contest idea in this episode, run around the track and "react" to the behavior and impressions we have regarding the weather. Ha ha.

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