Walk your Soul Path!

9 months ago

Sometimes we take for granted the life that is all around us thriving. Even in our local parks we can find magnificent beauty. Healing many times requires nothing more than a simple shift none other than feeling the call to change. Change can happen in an instant. The trajectory you are on, in any given moment if you follow the call can give rise to profound synchronicities. It requires a willingness to be open enough to stop, take a moment in the park that you just happen to be passing by, without expectations. You may have somewhere you think you need to be, focused on a destination or end result. On some days, however, it is NOT about the destination. Where you are headed is not where you are supposed to be. If you allow yourself that spontaneous moment, it may very well be a real waking life portal. It may open a door. The trajectory of your day may change and that may very well be precisely the original organic medicine you need. Try it. At bare minimum, you take a moment enjoying your local park. It doesn’t take much time. It just asks you to let go, be present, and listen to the call, and take action when it arises. The time is now. These moments can not be put off for later for the door closes. If you are feeling the call to walk your soul path, send me a DM. I am an accessible life coach and spiritual guide here to help you find your way. #localparks #urbanparadise #natureismedicine #soulpth #soulcalling #soulconversations #spiritualguidance #lifecoaching #selfmastery #wayshower #lightworkers #starseeds #authenticself


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