6 Billion Slaves - Blood Money Episode 81 w/ Attorney Todd Callender, Esq

8 months ago

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The Attorney who could prove that key members of our government are illegitimate. Also, he could demonstrate that legally speaking, 6 Billion People on this planet are Slaves.

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Vem Miller interviews Attorney Todd Callender.

For the supporting documents that Todd refers to in the interview, simply go to www.AmericaHappens.com and click on "Blood Money Supporting Documents". Todds documents are at the bottom of this page, and downloadable.

Bio: Todd is an international lawyer, licensed in Colorado but practicing primarily outside of the United States. In August of 2021, Todd filed the first lawsuit against the US Department of Defense, Dept. of Health and Human Services and Food and Drug Administration (August 2021) in Robert v. Austin, which sought to stop the “vaccine” mandates in the DOD. The filing of the suit caused the DOD to abandon the Use of Force authorization (“forced vaccinations”) from Secretary Austin, while ensuring access and judicial oversight to exemption procedures for nearly 400,000 service members. Robert V. Austin remains an active case in the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals (federal) where the principal issue being litigated is whether the genetic modification aspects of the mRNA shots makes the vaccinated people into the chattel property of the patent holders in violation of the 13 th Amendment (anti slavery) to the Constitution. Todd was responsible for opening trade and commerce between the United States and Cuba in 1997 by obtaining the first US travel, business, OFAC and export licenses granted during the period Cuba was a designated Enemy of the State (US). Todd ran a three-year clinical field trial of a needle free mass vaccination device in collaboration with Cuba and the US State and Commerce Departments for three years with the consent of the US Treasury Department and with observance by the WHO. Todd had occasion to do business with many vaccine manufacturers and global health organizations at that time including but not limited to Pfizer, PATH, FDA, WHO and Cuban Ministry of Health Todd has been practicing law for almost 30 years and currently serves as the principal in the law firm Disabled Rights Advocates PLLC and is the CEO of a large health & disability insurance group. Most recently, Todd filed the first Writ Quo Warranto with the United States Attorney, against the entire cabinet of the US Executive Branch for failure to provide required and perfected Oaths of Office. Since filing the Writ, people from around the world have provided significant and voluminous evidence that fraudulent, nonexistent or defect Oaths of Office are the norm throughout government in many countries.


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