#199 Economy Explained With Cows

1 year ago

Here's a satirical explanation of the economy using cows:
Feudalism:You have two cows.
The lord takes some of your cows' milk and gives you protection in return.
You hope the lord protects you from other lords who might want your cows.

Mercantilism:You have two cows.
The government heavily regulates your cows and trade.
You can only trade your cows with countries approved by the king.

Laissez-Faire Capitalism:You have two cows.
You can do whatever you want with your cows.
Your neighbor's cow business goes bankrupt, but that's not your problem.

Keynesian Economics:You have two cows.
The government tells you to feed one cow and stimulate economic growth.
They tax you to fund programs that help your other cow find a job.

Austerity Economics:You have two cows.
The government takes one cow to reduce debt.
Your remaining cow feels overworked and underappreciated.

Quantitative Easing (QE):You have two cows.
The central bank prints more money to buy your cows' milk.
You wonder if your milk is worth anything with all that extra cash around.

Trickle-Down Economics:You have two cows.
The government gives tax breaks to the rich, hoping they'll buy more of your cows' milk.
You wait for the milk to trickle down to you, but it never quite reaches.

Cryptocurrency:You have two digital cows.
You mine for more digital cows, hoping they'll become valuable in the future.
You're not entirely sure what "blockchain" means, but you're in it for the digital cow gold rush.

Environmentalism:You have two cows.
You switch to organic farming and name your cows Daisy and Buttercup.
You make artisanal, cruelty-free cheese and sell it at a farmers' market.

Bureaucracy:You have two cows.
You fill out endless paperwork to prove you own them.
By the time you're done, you're not sure if you still have any cows.

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