Stealing Suns - Your Song

1 year ago

Your Song

I guess I lost the first song I wrote for you. I know it’s been years
Looking back at all the things we’ve been through, you’re still you
So let me make it right this time, this is forever your song:

When I catch your face you look so blue, no one knows but me
And everything you wanted to do, you know I’m here if you want me to
Asphyxiated out of our minds we know it’s a pillow we scream into
It’s what we do. That’s why I love you

We know the road ahead is bitter sweet, but what else is new?
We’ve walked through fire and rain at the same time, we’re bullet proof.
Remember how it’s fucking bent
Dance the fountain is when I saw you bare
When our flesh graze and then attach
It has to be you
And you left me for a worthless pay
And I’m sorry I left you with that pain too…

When I see your face you look so red, no one knows but me
And every time you feel like you’ll fall, you know I'll follow you…
Suffocated out of control, it’s just another cloudy day
I lost a song I wrote for you
Let me make it right this time, this is forever your song

â’¸ 2023 Stealing Suns | All rights reserved

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