The Sun is Liquid Metallic Hydrogen - Transverse Ripples on the Sun

1 year ago

Ripples expanding out, like dropping a pebble in a pond, can only happen in condensed matter liquids and solids.
A gas can only sustain a longitudnal shockwave.
Not transverse ripples.
The entire branch of Helioseismology deals with quakes in the Sun.
But, like quakes on Earth, the ripples only happen in the crust and condensed matter. Earthquakes do not occur in the gaseous atmosphere.
But the Sun and stars are treated as 100% balls of gas/ plasma.
No condensed matter whatsoever they say.
NASA and "experts" say not to trust your lying eyes.
They teach the Sun and stars have No surface at all!
Any surface you think you see they say is just an illusion due to opacity.
The mental gymnastics of the mainstream scientific community has degenerated into contortionism.
The Sun is made of condensed matter. Mostly comprised of Liquid Metallic Hydrogen.
P.M. Robitaille, Forty Lines of Evidence for Condensed Matter — The Sun on Trial: Liquid Metallic Hydrogen as a Solar Building Block. Progr. Phys., 2013, v. 4, 90-142.
Link to Professor Robitaille’s papers on Vixra:

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