New Super Computer Simulation Sheds Light on moon's Origin

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New Supercomputer Simulation Shows Moon May Have Formed in Just a Few Hours

A new NASA-Durham University simulation has revealed a new theory about the Moon's origin: it may have formed in just a few hours, when material from the Earth and a Mars-sized object were launched directly into orbit after a giant impact.

The simulation is the most detailed of its kind, and it shows that the Moon could have formed much faster than previously thought. It also suggests that the Moon may have a more Earth-like composition than previously believed.

This is exciting news for scientists, as it could help us to better understand the early history of our solar system and the formation of planets and moons. It could also help us to plan future missions to the Moon and other planets.

Informal description:

A new supercomputer simulation has shown that the Moon may have formed in just a few hours, which is much faster than scientists previously thought. This new theory suggests that the Moon may have a more Earth-like composition than previously believed, and it could help us to better understand the early history of our solar system.

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