Fitness Health

11 months ago

A few words from me:
I was terrified to post this video. I don’t want you guys to think looking a certain way is the answer to happiness and confidence. Confidence is a mindset, not a body. Confidence, FOR ME, stems from how I live my everyday life, my routine, the people I surround myself with and how I treat my body. Health and confidence are different for everyone. But, at least personally, health and confidence are corresponding. I lost what health meant to me for a little bit. I got lost in growing up and changing and dealing with young adult things… but that’s part of my journey. This is just one month of re-learning what a healthy, confident, balanced life means to me again. This is personal to me. I love my body, so I want to remind you guys that you always deserve to feel your best. And that can encompass anything and everything from self-care, nutrition, food freedom, movement, therapy, better sleep, focusing on yourself, deleting TikTok, buying new pants, gratitude lists, etc. I love you guys. Be kind to yourself, your mind and your body. Do it for you 💗

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