9/30/23 Time for Reparations

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Reparations: It’s now time

Yep, reparations . . .but for whom? How about we start with the J-6 patriots and their families, eh? Who pays the bill ? Well, let’s start with Nancy, Kamala, Joe, judges ,other public servants and all of the other God hating sons of Satan. Truth haters who set up good American citizens , "trumped" up their charges and facilitated a carefully planned injustice sting. Yep that includes the news media as well or is that especially? David Sumrall of StopHate.com joins us this morning on the eve of a sad anniversary

Care not, want not

Ok, but honestly folks , what is the use? We are in a fallen world; Things are only going to get worse. You know, the second law of thermodynamics as promised in the book of Revelation. These are end times and you can hardly turn to the right, left, up or down without getting neck deep in a bizarrro world where right is wrong and wrong is right. We’ve had Dr. J on our program and now we have Professor J , aka Dennis Jamison from California who will try to school BJ and Mr. Anderson in their travels today and beyond.

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