Miles Guo has shown that If you are against the CCP, they will do everything they can to target you

9 months ago

9/27/2023 【Aila on the ‘Battlefront: Frontline with Dustin Faulkner’】Dustin Faulkner: We must begin cleaning the houses of those who do little to combat CCP’s infiltration! Aila Wang: The price of the American media receiving CCP funding is this country's freedom and democracy. The lawfare and smearing campaigns that the CCP has launched against Mr. Guo over the past few years sent a strong message to the United States: If you are an enemy of the CCP, they will do everything in their power to go against you!
#NFSC #takedowntheCCP
9/27/2023 【小飞象做客《战场前线:与达斯汀·福克纳战斗在前线》节目】达斯汀·福克纳:对于那些对中共渗透不作为的人,我们有必要开始清理门户了!小飞象:接受中共金钱的美国媒体为此所要付出的代价便是本国的自由和民主。过去几年中郭先生经历的司法超限战和对他的污蔑行动向美国传递了强烈的信号,即:一旦你与中共为敌,他们便会尽其所能对付你!
#新中国联邦 #消灭中共

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