Marfoogle News - BACK TO BACK EVENTS | October 3rd | October 4th

8 months ago

Marfoogle News
Sept 30, 2023
BACK TO BACK EVENTS | October 3rd | October 4th
Marfoogle News Show Notes:
Learn more about these life-saving prep products on our website:
Harvest Right
EMP Shield
Inergy Solar Generator
Long-term Food and Preps
Nord VPN
Protect your electronics from spying, tracking and EMP/CMEs with OffGrid, learn more on our website at (use promo code Marfoogle and save 10%)

Prepping for SHTF: In the world of prepping, it's vital to be prepared for when SHTF (stuff hits the fan). Whether you're a seasoned survivalist or a beginner, the importance of emergency preparedness cannot be overstated. As part of your disaster readiness plan, you should consider essentials like food storage and creating a well-stocked bug out bag, equipped with all the necessary survival gear. Many preppers also delve into off-grid living, learning survival skills and self-sufficiency tactics, including homesteading and food production. Essential elements of any emergency supplies list include a first aid kit, water purification methods, and survival food, which can be easily stored in a prepper pantry. Don't forget, outdoor survival knowledge can be a game-changer in dire situations. To ensure you don't miss anything, use a prepping checklist and consider undergoing survival training to equip yourself with the knowledge needed to handle an emergency effectively.

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