Dr. McCullough: The silent mode of cancellation and censorship of the globalist agenda

11 months ago

NEW - The Journey of a Health Revolutionary Featuring Dr Peter McCullough & Dr Tess Lawrie: The world view of #BrandCovid, politics and the upcoming election; Dr. McCullough discusses the silent mode of cancellation and censorship occurring within the globalist agenda as these unelected officials maintain fierce control of their narrative.

This stimulating Better Way Live conversation in Bath, UK between two health revolutionaries, facilitated by Maajid Nawaz of the WARRIOR CREED podcast, will change our approach to children’s health forever—and our friends at Oracle Films were there to capture it all!

***See the entire two hours with these phenomenal warriors at worldcouncilforhealth.org website. https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/multimedia/health-revolutionary/

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