Stefan Lanka exposes Virology

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Why does it feel so good to pretend that every one you kill in this game is someone like "Let's go Brandon" for example...

Community Guilded Channel for Various Game Creators and Streamers -

Todays video features audio from Stefan Lanka

For any gifts you wish to share, hit me up in person to organize something without any middle men or leeches - I'm new in this world and like most people trying to make a life online during this era of Lockdowns, psycho globalism and Scamdemics. Will never take a vax or wear a mask, and as such they won't let me hold a regular job without meeting their social expectations. Screw their Dystopian Control Grid - I am working on growing my own food and becoming self sufficient, so don't have to live as a slave in their system, so any help with that is highly appreciated. Would be very happy to make some friends along the way.

I treat all online content as fair use, so if anybody wishes for me to pull down any content that they don't want me to share that they put up and I promoted on my channel, please let me know, not looking to upset anyone in sharing their content, just figure it helps to promote them and spread their messages, as much of this information is of interest. None of the views portrayed in these videos are to be presumed as my own despite some of them likely being shared by me and finding them interesting.

I am here to enjoy my gaming whilst listening to interesting topics & speakers. You are here as company for the ride and you share those two passions with me. Bonus if you are good engaging company and entertaining, since on this stream you are the superstars, because I sure as hell don't want to be.

If anyone wants to employ me for creative, fun, out of the usual ideas, that is my realm, hit me up and let's talk, I thrive in that environment, just need to get paid for it so can eat and have a can also hire me as a professional shit talker, I mean typer...or general unprofessional trolling

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