"Wholesome Delights: Crafting Delicious Homemade Protein Bars for Fuel and Flavor"

8 months ago

Homemade protein bars♥️far better than market ones 🌿23g protein per bar. This one is for all my gym bros- I think I’ve nailed the exact texture but with clean ingredients and far better taste. It’s chewy, gooey, chocolaty goodness! It’s a must try recipe!
You can pack it in butter paper and carry it to your work place or gym. Stays good in refrigerator for 2 weeks. Just keep it in an airtight container, pack each bar in parchment so they don’t all stick to each other. Or just place parchment paper on the base of each bar. Make your week’s quota in one go!

Nutrient info per bar:
🌿calorie: 225.5 kcal
🌿carb- 16g
🌿protein- 23g
🌿fat- 8.2g

INGREDIENTS: for 8 bars
🌿1/4 cup walnuts
🌿1/4 cup pumpkin seeds
🌿1/4 cup almonds
🌿1/2 cup rolled oats

Grind this using a mixer jar until nuts and seeds release their oil and the mixture starts holding together. That means just grind for a little longer than usual. We’re doing this to make a sticky dough later. Now soak

🌿14 pitted dates( use good quality big dates rather than small drier ones)

in hot water for 20mins. Blend and make a smooth paste. Now add

🌿1 cup puffed/popped amaranth in a bowl
🌿2 tbsp peanut butter
🌿2 tbsp cacao
🌿5 scoops unflavoured protein powder(I’m using isopure unflavoured whey isolate which has 29g protein per scoop and has no sweetener) - if you are using flavoured protein powder with sweetener then you can reduce the amount of dates

Add the dry fruit oats mixture, dates paste and just mix everything into a dough. Now line a tray with parchment paper and add the dough, spread out evenly. Let it set in fridge for an hour. Cut into pieces! Enjoy!

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