The government wants to shut down on Sunday, the tribulation is coming

1 year ago

The wicked leaders are in a panic they know the rapture is about to happen and that they will be judged by God for their wickedness and hate it, that is why they are acting like headless chickens now in America and the dumb people who got the vaccines are crying there is covid and wearing masks, they already belong to the antichrist beast world and have 666 in them already with the vaccine, it is the mark of the beast and there is no precursor at all, Satan is sly like he was in the garden of Eden and loves to lie and say the vaccine is not the mark of the beast, God will forgive you, not, he knows his time is almost done and that is why he has worthless churches now that are so dead that no one gets saved or repents ever, the lukewarm are going to these dead dumb buildings every Sunday and Wednesday and never change ever, they live however they want and treat God like He is their butler and rub the magic lamp and get whatever they want now, Jesus said they honor Me with their lips but their hearts are far from Me!! And calls the lukewarm pitiful, blind, naked, wretched and shameful and He will spit them out of His mouth!! Not everyone who says they are a Christian will be taken in the rapture, so many who go to church and act all good on Sunday and by Monday live however they want will be left behind, many who go to church will be left behind the ones that thought all they needed was to be a church member and that is good enough and will say we went to church God!! We were missionaries, we taught Sunday school, we went to third world countries, we did all this stuff for you and sent our kids to Christian schools and colleges and Jesus will answer and say depart from Me for I never knew you!! It is not a game anymore at any second the trumpet will sound and all true followers of Jesus will all be gone in a blink of a eye, Jesus is coming if you are ready or not

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