U.S. discussions with the CCP on the South China Sea must be held from a position of strength

9 months ago

9/28/2023 【Exposing the CCP's Harassment in the South China Sea】Congresswoman Young Kim: The US must reassure its partners and allies in the South China Sea that it is committed to peace and security in this region, provide military support and strengthen economic relationships with these countries. For the U.S. to be taken seriously in the South China Sea, discussions with the CCP on this matter must be held from a position of strength.
#theSouthChinaSea #CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
9/28/2023 【揭露中共在南海的骚扰的听证会】金映玉议员: 美国必须向其在南海的伙伴和盟友保证,美国会致力于维护该地区的和平与安全,并在军事上支持这些国家,在经济上加强与其合作。 为让美国受到中共的认真对待,美国必须站在强硬的立场与中共讨论南海问题。
#南海#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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