The CCP has been making illegal claims to the South China Sea and has constructed artificial islands

1 year ago

9/28/2023 【Exposing the CCP's Harassment in the South China Sea】Congresswoman Young Kim: The South China Sea is an area of critical strategic importance for the US and its allies, with rich natural resources and an estimated $5.3 trillion in annual trade flowing through its waters. However, the CCP has been making illegal claims to this region and has constructed artificial islands for its military purposes.
#theSouthChinaSea #CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
9/28/2023 【揭露中共在南海的骚扰的听证会】金映玉议员: 南海对美国及其盟国在战略上至关重要,每年有大约5.3万亿美元的贸易流经其水域,并有丰富的自然资源。然而,中共却对该水域提出非法主张,并为军事目的建造人工岛屿。
#南海 #中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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