Artur and Marzena Pawlowski - We Have Already Won, The Enemy Just Doesn't Know It Yet! + Captions

1 year ago

Get ready for an incredible ride of divine intervention and victory! Artur and Marzena Pawlowski received mind-blowing prophecies that lit up their darkest days during Artur's imprisonments. It's like a blockbuster movie with God as the ultimate scriptwriter. Imagine major exposures about Trudeau about to explode, and God's insiders ready to spill the truth! The prophetic words promised justice and vindication for Artur, comparing him to Joseph and assuring a rise to greater heights. There's even a promise of revival and spreading the message of God in the midst of adversity! Fast forward to March 9, and it's a symphony of divine assurances—Glory filling Artur's cell, peace pouring over him, and joy flooding his heart. It's like God saying, "Hey, remember Joseph? That's you, Artur!" And guess what? Artur's name is destined for the headlines! It's like a rollercoaster of faith, resilience, and an unwavering belief in divine deliverance. Can you feel the excitement? The impossible HAS become Artur and Marzena's reality, when the GOD OF THE IMPOSSIBLE stepped in [the way]!


Here are the prophecies [from Julie Green] that gave Artur and Marzena the encouragement they needed while he was imprisoned:

February 12, 2022

Major exposures regarding Trudeau are about to break open the floodgates of truth in Canada. Their worst nightmare is coming to pass. I had people that infiltrated their government and caught all of them in the acts, and they, too, have the green light to move forward.

There will be justice and victory for my son, Arthur Pawlowski because they used him as an example. Listen, My son, I am exposing their dirty plots against you and vindicating your name. You are another Joseph in this hour. Your life will be changed in one day, and one day is all I need, My son. You will rise higher, never to be taken prisoner again. All who imprisoned you will fall and be imprisoned themselves. Some will die by the Angel of Death. You are being vindicated now, My son, so hold your ground. The Great I AM is coming to deliver you.

February 24, 2022

Artur Pawlowski, I have not forsaken you. Once again I am speaking to you, to tell you, I am moving where you are. I promise to completely deliver you from that prison cell. You are My Joseph, and I will raise you up higher. Your reward is great, My son, for not bowing, and I promise you, just like those three Hebrew men, you will come out with no evidence that you were ever in that prison cell. I am pouring out Glory in that place, giving you great peace. I will give you dreams and revelations you never thought you would receive. Yes, I have you, My son, and I have great plans for you. I will give you great joy in the midst of such sorrow.

Revival will break out where you are, and the people around you will receive My Son. What Satan wanted to use to break you, I am using to strengthen you. I am bringing out more who now believe in Me than the number that went in believing there was no God. They are seeing you and what is in you. My anointing is like a light, and it gives them such peace. So know that I am your deliverer and that what is about to happen for you, will be like Paul and Silas. Start to raise your voice and praise Me exactly where you are. All those shackles and prison cells will break open, and you will walk out. Just know, My son, your assignment in there, I have given to you. Go fulfill it, and watch, My son, what I do for you in these coming weeks.

March 9, 2022

Artur Pawlowski, My Glory will fill your cell. I am pouring My peace upon you. My joy will fill your heart. Yes, people will see My Glory on you. I want you to know, My son, I am here to deliver you from that cell. Continue to praise and worship Me. You are coming out by My hand, and they can not stop this from coming to pass. No judge, no law, no leader can hold that prison door shut when I, the Lord, tell it to open.

Artur, I AM is here for you. I never left you. This time will soon be a memory of what the enemy tried to do, from stopping My Glory to filling you to overflowing and being used in this time as a great and mighty man of valor and a child of the Most High God. But your enemies can't stop My Will from coming to pass. So stand every day Artur and believe Me. You are coming out never to go back there again. Remember, you are My Joseph, going from prison to the palace in one day. The God of the impossible is showing up for you, so believe this day that I always have the final say, saith the Lord of Hosts.

April 1, 2022

Canada, watch and listen. A discovery was made, and the truth about Justin Trudeau will come out of your land. Hold on, Canada, I am delivering you from Trudeau and all who are with him. You will have freedom never known before in your land in this year of 2022.

A blanket of warmth will be in your headlines. See where this is located. This location is not a coincidence. My children, these are the days of truth. A firestorm of truth is raining down, destroying all their lies, narratives, fake governments, and fake control over you and this world.

Truth shall reign. Truth sets people free, and the truth shall fill this earth like a flood.

My children, receive freedom from the chains that kept you hostage. Receive freedom in your bodies, minds, and every part of your life. For with the great Exodus, there will be an outpouring of miracles, signs, and wonders like never before, saith the Lord your Redeemer.


See Julie's interview with Artur and Marzena Pawlowski about a month before his release (which explains a lot) here:

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COPYRIGHT 2023 Julie Green Ministries International

Video Transcript:

Arthur, this name will be in your news.
An outspoken Calgary pastor was arrested...
A judge has found Calgary pastor
Artur Pawlowski guilty of mischief for
his role in protests against COVID-19
public health measures....
Artur Pawlowski, my glory will fill your cell.
I'm pouring my peace upon you.
My joy will fill your heart.
I want you to know my son, I Am here to
deliver you from that cell.
Justice and victory for my son,
Arthur Pawlowski!
You are another "Joseph" in this hour.
Your life will be changed in one day!
One day is all I need, my son!
Artur Pawlowski, I have not forsaken you.
You ARE My Joseph, and what
about to happen for you will be
like Paul and Silas...
What Satan wanted to break you with,
I Am strengthening you.
Your reward is great, my son,
for not bowing... and I promise
completely deliver you
from that prison cell!
You will rise higher
never to be taken prisoner again!
Hello friends, this is Pastor Artur Pawlowski
I'm here with my wife Marzena and today
we just want to thank you so
much for all your prayers for all
your support for standing with us and
of course for the prophetic words that
we received that's what kept me going
that's will give me the strength and
the hope,
and the faith for another day!
Thank you! Every prayer matters!
God has our back and He is going to take
us through this.... One day -
from prison to the palace is just
like during the times of the heroes
of old - during the times of Joseph
Right now the body of Christ finally is uniting !
We have already won -
the enemy just doesn't know it yet!

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