For Russell Brand, should the Accusations alone be enough to condemn?

1 year ago


Trigger Warning: In these audio snippets from an upcoming episode of Cinephobia Radio entitled, "The Velvet Buzzsaw Chapter Four," much of the commentary is predicated on an imaginary, hypothetical scenario where Russell Brand is innocent of the allegations against him. I make no claims as to whether he is or not, nor do I want to dismiss the seriousness of the allegations, especially if there's any truth to them. This is merely a speculation, pondering the very real possibility that these claims may be part of a larger coordinated state/media attack designed to discredit Brand and punish him for his political transgressions and increasing influence to resist the avalanche of ideological dominance engendered by the Corporate Superstate."

From a BBC article on the allegations:

"While not referring to the comedian by name, the Metropolitan Police said it was "aware of media reporting of a series of allegations of sexual assault" but had not received any reports.

"If anyone believes they have been the victim of a sexual assault, no matter how long ago it happened, we would encourage them to contact police.""

From Cinephobia Radio #034

"Now this is an open invite for literally every one of those women that Russell Brand was banging in those washrooms after his gigs to come forward now with allegations and perhaps in the hopes of some sort of a payout or to be famous or some sort of attention or God knows whatever else. This is an open invite by the Metropolitan Police to come forward, doesn't matter how long ago it happened, nobody's gonna believe him, they're all gonna believe you because now we hashtag #BelieveWomen because we've thrown out due process in favour of Witch Trial Style Justice because somehow in the 21st Century, we've reverted back to medieval principles of jurisprudence where the accusation alone is enough to condemn.

You throw the witch in the lake, if she drowns, she's innocent. If she floats, she's guilty and then we dry her out and burn her to death. You're damned if you do and damned if you don't, and unfortunately, that's the position that Mr. Brand is in right now.

In a universe where he's innocent and wrongly accused here and these claims against him are fabrications coordinated by a malignant media state apparatus trying to discredit him because he's galvanizing way too much support amongst his followers, he's creating far too much of a resistance against an increasingly corporatized planet and media culture, in that universe, I imagine that Mr. Brand is in extreme emotional turmoil right now, and confused as to what course of action is the best one for him to take."

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