Dr. Richard Fleming: spike proteins may contain genetic sequences from HIV.

8 months ago

"June 2021 - Dr. Richard Fleming shares Luc Montagnier’s discovery that spike proteins may contain genetic sequences from #HIV... they just murdered Montagnier like the doctor from germany that discovered the graphene razor blades in the vaccine and many others... #VAIDS is real..." - Dylan ZoSo.

(This publication is censured on Facebook).

The Facebook "Factchecker":

"The Covid vaccine does not contain the virus that causes AIDS
Author: Petar Vidov
February 16, 2022
After the recent death of French virologist Luc Montagnier, his incorrect claims about the new coronavirus are circulating again.

A video is circulating on social media that falsely claims that the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus contains and/or is produced by the HIV virus.

“HIV viruses in spike protein

Evidence is growing day by day that HIV viruses are and/or are produced by vaccine spike proteins.

Nobel laureate and top scientist Luc Montagnier issued a warning just days before his suspicious, sudden death and pointed out that those who have been vaccinated should definitely be tested for HIV.

You are deliberately poisoning people! The biggest illegal experiment on humans and the biggest crime against humanity!" writes the Facebook page "Istina.info.nova", attaching a video in which American doctor Richard M. Fleming makes similar claims (archived here ).

In his presentation, Fleming also refers to the claims of the French scientist Luc Montagnier , winner of the Nobel Prize for the discovery of the HIV virus.

HIV and SARS-CoV-2
We remind you that at the very beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, in April 2020, Montagnier went public with the baseless claim that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was artificially created. He claimed that someone had "added" sequences characteristic of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, to the genetic code of the virus.

Several scientists studying the genetic structure of the SARS-CoV-2 virus denied Montagnier's claims. European Scientist magazine pointed to the fact that anyone can compare the genetic structure of HIV and the virus that causes Covid-19 through the open BLAST tool. That tool does not show the genetic matches that Montagnier talked about.

There is still no reliable information about the origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. There is a widespread belief in the scientific community that the virus originated in nature and "jumped" from animals to humans. However, there are also certain indications that suggest that the theories about the laboratory origin of the virus could be founded (about which Faktograf wrote extensively in June 2021 ).

However, it is quite clear that the vaccine against Covid does not cause HIV infection in vaccinated persons. More than 10 billion vaccines have been distributed in the world so far , and no one has noticed that vaccinated people get AIDS after vaccination.

Montagnier's death is not "suspicious"
It is incorrect, therefore, that Montagnier issued a "warning" just a few days before his death about the alleged laboratory combining of HIV and the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This is a thesis that Montagnier has advocated since the very beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The claim that Montagnier's death is "suspicious" also has no basis in fact. Montagnier died at a very old age, at the age of 89. From the French media it can be learned that he died in hospital, surrounded by family members. There is no credible source of information to suggest that there is anything suspicious about the circumstances of his death.

The claim that genes from the HIV virus have been inserted into the SARS-CoV-2 virus is not the only disinformation promoted by Montagnier during the Covid-19 pandemic. The French Nobel laureate also unfoundedly claimed that mRNA vaccines are dangerous and potentially deadly.

Scammer Fleming
While Montagnier in his later years squandered the credibility he had earlier earned for his HIV-related work, the American doctor Fleming - the main actor of the video spreading on Facebook - never had any scientific credibility.

Namely, in Fleming's biography, final court verdicts due to fraud stand out, due to which the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) revoked his license in 2018 , i.e. prohibited him from working in the pharmaceutical industry.

That's not even the only controversy in Fleming's career. On the Retraction Watch page , one can find out that one of Fleming's scientific papers has been retracted due to falsification of data and concealment of conflicts of interest.

American science journalist Leonid Schneider , a molecular biologist by training, wrote extensively about Fleming's work on his blog For Better Science . From his article, it can be learned that Fleming falsified information about his own education, as well as that the works that Fleming published are full of factual errors and pseudoscientific claims".

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