Water has memory and life.

9 months ago

Water has memory and life. God creates all living things from water.
The true nature of water , which is the source of life – is unknown. We still know very little about the fascinating properties of water and its secrets. However, we certainly agree with Leonardo Da Vinci who said that ‘water is the driving force of all nature‘.
Water hides a lot of power that we are able to release and shape with the help of the energy of our strong emotions, both positive and negative.
Masaru Emoto, a doctor of alternative medicine and first of all, a scientist with an open mind, has carried out worldwide water research and how it affects us, humans and our environment.
Emoto, who wrote several volumes of a work titled “Messages from Water”, is famous for his claims that human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water.
Thoughts and words have unique magnetic codes, which can interact with water; according to Dr. Emoto.
His experiments with water showed that the water reacts for our words and depending on what we say and what emotions accompany our words, it creates either beautiful and harmonious shapes or ugly and irregular ones. We learn from Dr. Emoto that water has a memory – a memory far longer than our transient lifetimes.
The behavior of this memory can be compared to our modern CD storing digital data or magnetic tape.
Today, many scholars admit that water is an amazing substance capable of the efficient gathering of information from all things as soon as it comes in contact with them!
The theoretical physicist Emilio del Giudice at the University of Milano, Italy, could explain together with cooperators that water has the ability to store information over long periods of time.
Also, Vitold M. Bakhir, a Russian inventor and a mining engineer conducted many water memory experiments confirming the earlier results.
Jacques Benveniste (1935 – 2004), a French immunologist discovered that water holds a “memory”, and is able to digitally record and then digitally re-write other water, even when the substance has been removed from it.
Benveniste’s experiments were followed by many other scientists worldwide.
One of the Russian scientists, Alexander Stiepanow put a dish with distilled water on the forehead of a lying man. It was made to save microenergetic information extracted from the man. Then, Stiepanov began to study a graphic record (chart) of water used in his experiment with a special device.

The Zam Zam Well was created miraculously by Allah (SAW). The story goes that one day Allah (SWT) caused Prophet Ibrahim (SAW) to leave his second wife Hajr and infant son Ismael in a dry, deserted valley before walking away.  
Being alone and without means, Hajr felt desperate. There was little if any water in that hot, dry area of Mecca. In sheer panic and desperation, Hajr ran seven times between the hills of Safa and Marwa looking for a source of water. Her thirst only increased and her son cried out painfully. MFS
Out of mercy, Allah then sent the mighty Angel Jibreel (AS) to Hajr to help. He slapped the earth with one of his huge wings. Then, water started to bubble up out of the ground until after a time it started to gush forth in huge amounts.
Prophet Ibrahim (AS) returned to that place and rebuilt the House of God called the Kaaba close to the newly discovered well called Zam Zam. The current well is 21 m or 60 feet East of the Kaaba. It has originally been built by Prophet Adam (SAW). Today, Muslims the world over stand in prayer five times a day facing the Kaaba.
Each day, 700,000 litres of Zam Zam water is supplied to visitors and pilgrims. During Hajj and high peak seasons up to 2,000,000 litres are consumed. This is possible due to two things; the two pumps in the well working 24 hours a day and huge water storage tanks.
Zam Zam water normally flows out of the well at 11 litres per second. During high seasons the flow rate increases to 18.5 litres per second. The pumps direct the water to storage tanks which supply the many Zam Zam distributions points around the Grand Mosque.

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