Matt Gaetz takes on the Establishment over defending the Paris Accords!

8 months ago

In this YouTube video transcript, Congressman Matt Gaetz argues against funding the Paris Climate Accord. He claims that the Accord is detrimental to the American economy and does not significantly improve the environment. Gaetz sees it as a globalist endeavor that benefits other countries at the expense of the United States. He argues that the Paris Agreement disproportionately favors countries like China and India, who are among the largest polluters but receive exemptions. He believes that the United States should not contribute funds to this agreement and that it undermines American jobs and competitiveness. Gaetz's amendment seeks to prevent funds from being used to support the Paris Climate Accord. In response, a congresswoman from California opposes the amendment, emphasizing the urgent need to address climate change and the global nature of the crisis. She argues that the Paris Agreement is essential for international cooperation in combating climate change and supporting developing countries in their efforts. Another congressman expresses support for Gaetz's amendment, highlighting that developing countries' emissions are relatively small compared to major polluters like China. The congressman argues that the U.S. should not bear the financial burden of the Accord, especially when it benefits other nations more. The discussion also touches on the importance of other climate-related programs and funds.

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