The Lord Says - I Will Leave the Chaff to the Fire - Prophetic Word - Soon the Trumpet Will Sound

9 months ago

Hi Everyone, I'm back with another message from the Lord to share. This was given on April 20th. The Lord here has some strong words. Consider the words of Psalm 139:23-24: "Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; And see if there is any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting."

If you have strayed from the Lord- NOW is the time to come back to Him. If you do not know the Lord- NOW is the time to seek Him out. He is easily found. Romans 3:23 says that we are all sinners in need of a savior. Romans 5:8 says that God loves you so much that Jesus died for you on the cross. Romans 10:9-10 says declare with your mouth and believe in your heart and you will be saved. Be saved from this wicked generation before it is too late.

If you want to help get this message to others it will help immensely if you like, subscribe and comment on this video. You can also share it with others. It's the Lord message, not mine and He wants it to get out. Transcription follows:

April 20th, 2023

If my people
Would return to me
Then I would receive them
Tell my people
Their offerings are unacceptable because they offer them to me with unclean hands and an unclean heart

Do they not know that I the Lord would clean(se) them of their iniquity if only they would come to me?
You are a hard-hearted people
You are a stiff-necked people says the Lord
If you will not return to me
Then I will spit you out of my mouth

I am the Lord who brought you up from Egypt
Into the land filled with milk and honey
I rescued you from the hand of your Enemy
And with many mighty acts revealed myself to you
And yet still you rebelled against me o my people
Return to me
Remember your first love
I the Lord am faithful
I will surely keep my promises to you
But you have broken faith with me

Your adulteries are an abomination to me
You have loved your sins and would choose exile from your Father’s house
Return o my people
I would restore you to my side if only you would humble yourself before me
I have loved you with an everlasting love
Yet you have not loved me

Soon you will see my mighty hand at work among the nations
I will sift them like sand
I have my winnowing fork in my hand
I will gather my harvest from among the nations
But I will leave the chaff to the fire
I am preparing the table for the great feast of the Lamb
Blessed is he who is invited to my table
All those who are called by my name
Sealed with my mark
May come to my feast
The table is set
Soon the guests will be arriving

I will accomplish my word
My promises are true
I am the faithful One
Believe on me and be saved
Trust in me and sit by my side

You have grown fat
You have become lazy
You are too comfortable
You have fallen asleep
Wake up o my people
And return to your Lord

Soon will the trumpet sound
Soon will the seals be opened
All has been made ready
The day is appointed
Tell my people
Watch for me
Look for my coming
Look for my sign
I am the Amen
The first and the last
The one who knows the end from the beginning
I have spoken
Believe my word
I am the faithful one
The trustworthy name
Call on me and be saved

I will reveal myself to those
Whom I have chosen
They will see my face

I have set a place for you
Upon the rock
You are to be my watchtower

I have set you on the wall
As a watchman
Tell my people
Come unto me
Return unto me
I have set you in place
You will not be shaken
For I am with you
Do not fear
Though the storm rages
You will not be breached
Only be courageous
Gather with me
As my co-laborer

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