The Lord Says: The FIELDS ARE RIPE, the FRUIT IS FULL, the BRANCHES ARE HEAVY Prophetic Word 2023

9 months ago

Hi everyone, here is a message from the Lord originally given to me on April 19th, 2023 part of a longer series of messages given between Easter and Pentecost 2023. As the time draws near, I pray that you would be bold in sharing your faith with others. The Lord has said that the age of harvest is upon us. It's His work- but we have the opportunity to be His instruments and to experience the great joy of being a part of someone coming to faith.

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Transcription follows:

April 19th, 2023

Behold I am the Lord
The days are coming soon
When men will not bear with sound doctrine
But will crave only what tickles their ears
They do not hunger for the word of my mouth
Their belly is their god
But you my people who know my voice and love my word
Cling to me and my promises
I will complete everything just as I have spoken
I am the Lord
My word is faithful and true

Behold, I am gathering my children to myself
As a mother hen gathers her chicks
The harvest at the end of the age
Shall soon begin
Prepare yourselves
I have placed you in my harvest field
That you may reap what you did not sow
Gather my harvest into the storehouse
I am raising up harvesters
Tell them the fields are white
The fruit is full
The branches are heavy
Do not fear what you are say
For in that hour I will give you the words that you are to speak
Trust in me and my word and obey all that I ask of you
I will be with you
I will not leave you or forsake you
This age of harvest will be unlike the world has ever seen
For it is the harvest of the end of the age
I am sending forth my angels
To gather the wheat into the storehouse
And to separate the chaff
The sower and the reaper will rejoice together at my great harvest

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