The Lord Says: The Appointed Time is Near! Prophetic Word from the Lord 2023

11 months ago

Hi everyone, here is another message from the Lord which I received on April 18, 2023. The Lord has made it clear through these messages that He is coming soon! I pray that you would search your own heart and make sure you are right with Him. These messages started during Easter and continued over a period of 50 days until Pentecost. He told me this message is meant to go out, it is not for me to hold on to and so I am trying to be faithful to share it. Please like this video, consider making a comment below and subscribe to be notified of other videos. I am told this will help other people to have the video promoted to them via Rumble so that is a good way to help get this message out to others.

Here is the transcription of this message:

April 18th, 2023

This is the word of the Lord
Listen and heed my words
I am he who sits on the throne
I hold the seven stars in my hand
And I stand amidst the seven golden lamp stands
I have prepared a place for you my people
IF only you would call upon my name
I would surely rescue you
Turn to me and be saved
O children
I will bear with you only a little longer
Soon the time of my appointment is near
Prepare yourselves to meet me
As you uproot the soil with your shovel
So shall I uproot the hearts of men
I did not come to bring peace but a sword
With the sword of my mouth I will cut to the heart
I will reveal everything that has been hidden
I will bring to light the thing hidden in the darkness
And in my light you will be uncovered
I will lay bear all flesh
Only the wicked shall fear the light of my gaze
I will examine the hearts of all flesh
Make ready the way of the Lord
Make his path straight
Tell my people to watch for my coming
And to prepare themselves to welcome me
Return to me o my people
Turn from your adulteries and return to your first love
Remove the idols of your hearts
Make room for me
I will not share my glory with another
For I alone am King of Kings and Lord of Lords
All glory has been given to me
In heaven and on earth
I know you feel weak yet in me you are made strong
Be not dismayed at my words
But receive the admonition of the Lord
This is my word unto you
Speak only what I have given you

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