Are the Police to protect and serve..?

8 months ago

Hello everybody from Ventura California. Another Day in Paradise..
We have overcast skies a little bit of Blue sky showing with no Chemtrails..
But that doesn't mean we don't have any...
IT just means that they're trying to hide them this video is about the Fraternal order of Police and the associations of them to the Masonic Lodge this makes the connection for all the different killings the police are responsible for these were not random shootings that were accident they were not random shootings that can be explained they were not organic they were purposely driven by the New World order In order to keep honest hard-working people at Bay these shootings are designed to explicitly keep citizens from disobeying police officers it's part of their plan to keep what I call their subjects in line you see because we're not under rule of law of the Constitution we are under rule of law of the Masonic World order which includes admiralty law you are not under a constitutional law of the constitutional republic of the United States of America you are under the admirality law set up and designed by the Babylonian empire otherwise known as the Masonic Brotherhood you are witnessing before your very eyes the police be exposed for what they are our whole country is corrupt everybody knows the system is rigged this is just one of the many areas that is compromised by the Mason Brotherhood and it's pretty obvious and plain to see you just have to do a little bit of research so please enjoy my video and thank you for watching have a great day I love you bye-bye

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