Max Blumenthal Details What Elites Are HIDING At Secretive Bilderberg Meetings The Hill 5-27-2023

1 year ago

Max Blumenthal Details What Elites Are HIDING At Secretive Bilderberg Meetings The Hill 5-27-2023
May 27, 2023
The Hill
Lol. Laugh out loud. American Dominance Over Europe? My Ass.
I am sure that Max Blumenthal is very intelligent and knowledgeable. But then why is he perpetuating the False Claims that America is Running the Show? Total BS.
Just like all Limited Hangouts, he never tells the full Truth. And the fact that he is Jewish has not escaped noticed or gone without suspicion.
Hello. He just Mentioned Chatham House Rules. That is no coincidence. We are talking City of London. The British Led Globalist Cabal. But Blumenthal can't put 2 and 2 together? Give me a break...
So why doesn't he tell you who the True Puppet Masters really are. Lol. It is Not America, but the British Led Globalist Cabal NWO. They control the United Nations, the World Economic Forum and the Bilderberg Group. Including the Council on Foreign Relations and the Entire Deep State. The Anglo-American Establishment is the Deep State. The Entire US Government is the Deep State.
Editor at The Grayzone Max Blumenthal discusses updates on the 2023 Bilderberg meeting in Lisbon, Portugal. Originally aired May 22, 2023 #Elites #AI
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