Stealing Suns - Youth

8 months ago


Where do you think you're going with youth
Not suffer fools gladly is all you ever do
Now digging up sand is all you're going through
Now take a little break before you break—fuck you

Seems a little sentimental coming from you
What you really live for is what it feels good strapped onto your shoes
You know I've lived your life and died and I'd end it once again if I'm you
So take a little break before you break, that's on you
Well it's on you...

Let me show you what it takes no need for words it’s overdue
Take all my possessions I'm taking on my future and not you
What do you think I'm doing with youth
I'll take it brick by brick it's something you will never dare to do
Cos I'm a fool…

Seems a little sentimental coming from you
What you really live for is what it feels good
You know I'd die if i'm just like you
So take a little break before you break, that's on you

Well it's on you, if I'm a fool...

â’¸ 2022 Stealing Suns | All rights reserved

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Recorded live via phone with #Bandlab app | FX: #Warmplate

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