"Hourhand Killers" | BoneClad Recluse B-Sides | Original Improvised songwriting - Lomey Marsi~Merci

1 year ago

Boneclad Gizmos and Reckless Recluse b-side videos found
cleaning harddrives out and preparing for webpage archives.
'll throw lots of these onto one bigger, heartier video
So I don't keep uploading MILLION of videos.

If anyone likes this and I ain't dust by then share and support and stuff
I have https://www.patreon.com/lomemarsupial
https://www.lomemarsupial.com is my site iunno what to put up for funding nor do I want to ask! for any! trust me _laughs_in_apocalypse.MOV

anyhows I Love You's
need renews codes for my video software!

music LTG Music Lome Marsupial all rights reserved

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