Learn to suffer for the Kingdom Of Heaven.

9 months ago

Matthew 23:12

Matthew 4:1-11

Galatians 5:16-24

https://youtu.be/Ly-58rKGZ08?si=FN1bZGFWms44TSIr The years of famine are now here...

https://youtu.be/k-gA0mrxrjY?si=Fzo4zM60k2B6NQ9Z Persecution coming to the USA.

https://youtu.be/eoKwRf6uzA0?si=RS4_anzsnq92joaN The Judgement has already arrive in the US, this problem will only spread to all the states and it will break the economy. They will use this to control us even more.

https://youtu.be/ovbLWk301Ho?si=ZMK4AEiXCfVhnvPo The grid in America will come down and soon. Just had a dream again that it is soon to happen.

https://youtu.be/UwZtp8sw4lc?si=l8QGB6adScHcIwtJ Time to stand for the truth. Be the resistance!

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