Capitulation by Phil Godlewski - his commentary on the movie "The greatest show on earth"

1 year ago

Presidential Executive Orders signed by Trump show us that we are watching a movie, the Q intelligence department wrote the script.
Capitulation by Phil Godlewski - his commentary on the movie "The greatest show on earth".

A gift of a movie to anyone with the desire to better understand the reality of our times and our world, the cusp of change where we are all poised, and where we are headed.

The movie is called The Greatest Show on Earth, and you can watch it via the first link below. Or, you can choose the 2nd link and watch with a commentator who adds some background and explanation to major points. This commentator has his own ‘style’ so don’t mind the messenger, mind the message!! And, if you choose link #2 you can skip and start watching from about minute 20. Prior to that is only some music and unrelated opening remarks.

And…Yes! The movie does talk about Trump and his presidency, because Trump happens to be a key figure in this planned ‘metamorphosis’ of our beautiful world. SO JUST HANG ON… SET ANYTHING YOU THINK YOU KNOW ASIDE…OPEN YOUR HEAD… WATCH…AND, GIFT YOURSELF A NEW YEAR WITH A NEW UNDERSTANDING OF IMPORTANT EVENTS THAT HAVE HAPPENED, ARE HAPPENING, AND ARE EXPECTED TO HAPPEN…



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