Auschwitz - the myth of the Gas-chambers

1 year ago

The alleged gas-chambers were mortuaries.

No HCN gas conduits with pumps were used, like in the cloth fumigation rooms, the real gas-chambers, using Zyklon-B insecticide.

The Zyklon-B gypsum pellets were just thrown in from above or sideways in the mortuaria, as stated by witnesses.

The Sondercommando's did not wear Masks and Hamaz-suits, when pulling bodies to one-body cremo inlets.

The restrictive cremation speed was 15 bodies/hour (estimated from US crematoria data);

Daily 24 x 15=360 bodies /day.
Total crematium operation time approx. 500 days (1/1/2 year Vad Yashem).
Total possible cremations CREM2 : 500 x 360 = 180.000 bodies is a theoretical maximum.

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