Sorry Generals and Admiral, you are on our QUO WARRANTO FOR TREASON - AND HERE IS THE RICO

9 months ago

Sorry Generals and Admiral, you are on our QUO WARRANTO FOR TREASON - AND HERE IS THE RICO. Oh, and by the way, TRUMP IS ON OUR QUO WARRANTO TOO as per pro confesso, it is a matter of law that YOU FOLLOW THE LAW. In this video, my Aunty EILEEN shares her thoughts after Julie gives us a bill for $2,770 in medical records bill. Then she has the nerve to tell us that she takes no credit cards and cannot give us 52 pages? Little does Julie know she just violated the 1990 ADA Act while she covered for her boss's crimes. BLUF: EVERYONE IS COVERING FOR EACH OTHER. NOBODY IS HELD ACCOUNTABLE BECAUSE DOD OWNS THE COURTS!!! AT THE END OF THE DAY EVERYTHING ABOUT USA INC, IS ABOUT BUSINESS AND COMMERCE LAW!

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