How the Gut and Brain Health are Connected! #naturalhealth #brainhealth #guthealth

8 months ago

How the Gut and Brain Health are Connected! #naturalhealth #brainhealth #guthealth

Good Health by Claudia & Denny
With Special Guest Bruce Ellis of @naturalfactorsus

Welcome back to another episode of Claudia, where we dive deep into the world of gut and brain health. In today's episode, we have a very special guest, Bruce Ellis, who shares his frustration with individuals who resist changing their habits. As many people seek his advice on improving their health, Bruce emphasizes the importance of moderation and making healthier food choices. He believes that too often, people rely on prescription medications and consume unhealthy foods, which can have detrimental effects on their overall well-being. Join us as Bruce discusses the role of DGL, a chewable supplement that can aid in digestive distress and provide relief from the side effects of medications. We also explore the connection between diet, lifestyle, and brain health, underscoring the importance of organic and wholesome food choices. So grab your favorite drink and get ready for an insightful and inspiring conversation on how the gut and brain health are intricately connected. Let's dive in!

Bruce Ellis is a passionate advocate for healthy living and believes that it all starts with our diet and lifestyle choices. He understands that changing habits can be challenging, but Bruce believes in taking small steps to educate others on the benefits of a nutritious diet and regular exercise. He emphasizes the importance of mindful purchasing decisions and being conscious of what we put into our bodies. Bruce encourages others to gradually incorporate changes into their lives, such as eating organic and exploring health food stores. He firmly believes that these small steps can lead to significant improvements in overall well-being and even boost brain health through the creation of essential neurotrophic factors. With patience and education, Bruce aims to inspire others to prioritize their health and make positive lifestyle changes.

Thank you for watching Health Foods by Claudia, for more information please visit:

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is for education purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.

00:00 Welcome
02:20 People resist change; frustrated by their excuses.
04:52 Slowly educate and improve diet and lifestyle.
07:48 Honor, bless, teach, love, heal, nurture.
12:12 Digestive distress affects millions due to poor diet.
13:13 DGL supplements offer relief from medication side effects.
18:26 Less milligrams needed, distribution and utilization important.
20:56 Stress affects everything, especially children's mental health.
24:25 Theanine helps focus, supports neurotransmitter production. Sedative at higher dosage.
27:12 Blood sugar levels can disturb sleep; Tranquil Sleep formula with theanine, cortisol, adrenaline, and five HTP.
30:12 Greatness, importance, heart, soul, care, quality, focus
32:59 Insurance companies should not pay for supplements.
36:08 Embrace quality health, take baby steps. Keep faith.

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