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Iran supports Israel

1 year ago

Iran supports Israel - Reupload

Shia celebrity, Sean Stone, admits Zionist Kabbalist belief in combining opposites (Iran and Israel, Yin and Yang, Red and Blue, Communism and Capitalism, etc.)

Credit to Zakah1, if you want to ask him anything about this video or contact him then here is a link to his YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClpkqVQa6dWTsSXpD2R1jTQ/videos & here is a link to his Archive account https://archive.org/details/@zakah1
This video has also been reuploaded on https://www.facebook.com/Zakah1Reuploads/videos/180481275943284/ &

If this video doesn't play or keeps buffering or doesn't work then you need to download it & then watch it. Here is the link to download it


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