Why they faked the Finsbury mosque attack in London

9 months ago

Why they faked the Finsbury mosque attack in London - Reupload

Original upload links https://archive.org/details/FinsburyFake &

This video was censored and removed by YouTube. They really thought they could confuse us with this fake story and make us choose between their fake choices

(A) believing everything is fake without an agenda, or
(B) every news story is real

This video explains how they tried to confuse people, especially Moslems and conspiracy researchers by all of a sudden staging an attack against Muslims (of course the fake victims were a bunch of Masonic Baateni Sufi sellouts).

The Freemasons see themselves as masters of confusion, they don't like an explanation that actually makes sense of things, they wish to confuse us into dividing over pointless things instead of the people of truth joining together against the people of falsehood.

They want us to choose between evil and evil, instead of choosing between good and evil. We must oppose both the fake religious leaders they give us, as well as their secular lies on the news.

We must oppose their political parties and their fake mosques, churches, temples etc.

Don't allow these fake staged events on the news to cause you to unite under the leadership of fake religious leaders or secular leaders, your race and community is no better than others, it's your moral values and intentions that matter the most. Don't allow them to separate you into small cultures, or unite with every evil deviant. Don't fall into either extreme.

Speak the truth, work for the truth, invite all people to the truth (people in your community and others, give up on the scum regardless of how close they may be to you) and love the truth, for Allaah is the Truth

The attack was fake just like the ones attributed to Muslims (9/11, Madrid bombing 2003, London bombing 2005, Paris attack 2015, London attack on innocent Mannequins etc.)

But why was this attack blamed on Non-Muslims against Muslims instead? Detailed explanation on the video.

You can also watch this video in HD on Zakah1's own Archive account https://archive.org/details/FinsburyFake

Credit to Zakah1, if you want to ask him anything about this video or contact him then here is a link to his YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClpkqVQa6dWTsSXpD2R1jTQ/videos
& here is a link to his Archive account https://archive.org/details/@zakah1

This video has also been reuploaded on https://www.facebook.com/Zakah1Reuploads/videos/180191955972216/
& https://www.facebook.com/Zakah1Returns/videos/876281372574234/

If this video doesn't play or keeps buffering or doesn't work then you need to download it & then watch it. Here is the link to download it
& here is the link to the HD version if you want to download it in HD https://archive.org/download/FinsburyFake/finsbury%20fake.mp4

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