Exposing the secret beliefs of Alex Jones and other Freemasons (and the Trump connection)

11 months ago

Exposing the secret beliefs of Alex Jones and other Freemasons (and the Trump connection) - Reupload

Original upload links https://archive.org/details/trump_201708 &

Exposing the secret beliefs of Alex Jones and other Freemasons (and the Trump connection)

Interestingly shortly after I made this video, ISIL released a video of themselves torturing a Turkish soldier to death. (notice on this video I said the Knights of Malta are against torture).

It seems proving me wrong was more important to them than following their own Masonic ideology. As I explained on my video (the one about the chemical attacks in Syria) they are desperately trying to prove me wrong every time I make a video.

(they faked the killing of a Jordanian pilot 4 months after I said they never attack Jordan, they faked an attack on a gay bar 7 months after I said they never attack gay bars, they wore blue clothes and turbans immediately after I said they never do that).

Eventually, they gave up on trying to convince me wrong and just banned me from YouTube /TheyTube.

If you search my username ZAKAH1 on YouTube now, one of the first videos that appears is a Shia guy who accuses me of being a member of ISIS !!! So after they failed to recruit me they are simply lying about me and censored all my videos exposing ISIS/ISIL as agents of the Knights of Malta (Taoist freemasonry).

One of the differences between the Illuminati/Satanists and the Taoists-Masons is that the Taoists want to change our MIND (to alter what they call the "collective unconscious") whereas the Illuminati just want to censor everyone and fake history and just lie regardless of what happens or what we say.

It seems the Taoist-Masons have joined the Illuminati not just politically but even in this part of their ideology as they too are now censoring everyone and just lying about everything exactly like the TV does. It seems they have pretty much given up on trying to deceive me and are just trying to get rid of me now.

You can also watch this video in HD on Zakah1's own Archive account https://archive.org/details/trump_201708

Credit to Zakah1, if you want to ask him anything about this video or contact him then here is a link to his YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClpkqVQa6dWTsSXpD2R1jTQ/videos
& here is a link to his Archive account https://archive.org/details/@zakah1

This video has also been reuploaded on https://www.facebook.com/Zakah1Returns/videos/875839672618404/ &

If this video doesn't play or keeps buffering or doesn't work then you need to download it & then watch it. Here is the link to download it
& here is the link to the HD version if you want to download it in HD https://archive.org/download/trump_201708/trump.mp4

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