79. Eyes & Whole Body Health - Part 3 - Dr. Lewis

1 year ago

Your eyes are a window to your health. Importantly, examination of your eyes reveals pathology changes. These changes are "closest" to a disease. That is, adverse pathology is more important compared to life risks and physiological changes (biomarkers).
Any eye pathology must be taken seriously. For example, people with cataracts die at MUCH HIGHER RATES compared to age-matched individuals without cataracts. And, the cause of death is almost always cardiovascular in nature.

Here is the chat log from the webinar.

19:54:25 From Doris Fellenz To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Did you post Monday's Noon Meeting yet?
19:58:58 From Dr. Tom Lewis To Doris Fellenz(privately) : Not yet - very busy with the launch
20:03:13 From Linda Anderson : what about dark field adaptation as a diagnostic... ie, instant dark as a predictor
20:08:26 From risa Hyman : Bras with metal wires !
20:09:13 From Martha Stark, MD : Reacted to "Bras with metal wire..." with 👍
20:13:17 From virginiamiller : My eye doctor prescribed Regener-Eyes 4x a day (1-2 drops in each eye each time). Will they help to diminish the opacity of the cataracts, or should I use Can-C in between the Regener-Eyes drops as well? A rep at Regener-Eyes said only use Refresh Plus ampules in between and nothing else.
20:23:50 From Maura : HIPPA - your information is NOT protected
We had to request they stop sending our private health information to third parties that were trying to solicit money donations and participation in experimental jabs in
Boston MA
20:26:50 From Frank : TESTS??
20:34:53 From Wendie Wachtel : Are Drusen plaques?
20:38:10 From Lynn McGaha : Drusen are lipofuscin.
20:48:24 From WG : what iodine nasal spray
20:48:45 From Doris Fellenz : How long do spike proteins stay in the body if you had all the shots and boosters (6, total) and Covid twice?
20:54:55 From Deb Hopper : Replying to "How long do spike pr..."

I recall dr. Ardis has stated.... 10yrs
20:55:14 From Martha Stark, MD : Replying to "what iodine nasal sp..."

WG – Eye-O-Dine – Gene Rosov – 305-667-9375 – he is wonderful and will tell you how to create a wonderful antimicrobial iodine nasal spray – a lot of us have been in touch with him already!
20:55:35 From Doris Fellenz : Spike proteins stay in the system 10 years?
20:56:28 From WG : Replying to "what iodine nasal sp..."

20:57:22 From Deb Hopper : Replying to "Spike proteins stay ..."

However, if the Plasmid info is correct, which turns the cells into spike factories, then perhaps the spike will remain until the body self-corrects, and the person stops getting the bioweapon.
20:57:38 From J S : Say again what kind of diseases can an optometrist discover in the eye and what are those procedures called?
20:58:26 From Joel B Peterson : Replying to "How long do spike pr…"
I also would ad, that Dr Ardis believes you can stabilize, and get rid of most of the spike proteins, with his, and the AGES’s Protocols:) Especially if you have faith, and believe it:) 🙏🏻😇
20:58:47 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "However, if the Plas…" with ❤️
20:58:48 From Nina Roark : Do I start with Regener-Eyes or the Iodine roll on for a possible parasite in an eye?
20:59:54 From Linda Anderson : regener-eyes.... professional or lite
21:01:46 From Joel B Peterson : I missed the 4th one?
21:02:21 From Linda Anderson : I heard about a man who lost all vision going into a dark tunnel
21:02:39 From Maura : https://theautoimmuneanswers.com/episodes-2-live/?cid=sallycb%40protonmail.com&_kx=MfsjLl9g0wXjbmyrK_nvcxIz3hfP6EzYcEbVfcXhFlM%3D.RVRkwc

Autoimmune disease of eyes
Dr Brooke Goldner did a very interesting presentation on her success with sjorgens
21:04:21 From Maura : What do you know about DMSO eye drops to break up cataracts
21:05:47 From iPhone : What is Dr carters discount code for the neumi glutathione cream?
21:08:07 From Beverly A's iPad : In general many believe that the HIPPA agreement protects your health information from being shared without your consent. However if you check the hhs.gov website you will find that there are 12 conditions that the federal government can share your protected health information WITHOUT your permission.
21:09:21 From J S : Thank you Dr Lewis
21:09:31 From Maura : Amsler grid
21:10:16 From m. nario : can silver eye drops work like iodine eye drops?
21:13:58 From WG : Try Ag in nose
21:14:24 From Linda Anderson : sorry,
21:14:29 From Maura : https://duckduckgo.com/?q=amsler+grid.&t=brave&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https%3A%2F%2Feyesight.nu%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2Fsites%2F8%2F2011%2F03%2Famsler-grid.jpg
21:14:42 From J S : Oh how does thyroid dysfunction affect the eyes?
21:14:48 From Maura : Thank you 😊
21:15:06 From Shoshanna : Thank you! Informative as always :)
21:15:07 From iPhone x : Standing ovation
21:15:11 From Linda Anderson : Thanks Docs

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