The COVID virus created by the CCP is funded by American taxpayer dollars through Fauci

8 months ago

9/27/2023【​​Nicole on the Winn Tucson China Watch】Nicole Tsai: The deadly COVID virus created by the CCP is funded by American taxpayer dollars through establishment scientists like Fauci. We applaud Rep. Brad Wenstrup, chairman of the House Select Committee on the Coronavirus Pandemic for demanding the release of Fauci’s communications with the CIA. The American people need the truth!
#Fauci #COVID #CCPVirus #NFSC #takedowntheCCP
9/27/2023 【妮可参加温图森中国观察节目】妮可:福奇这样的当权派科学家用美国纳税人的钱资助了中共制造致命的新冠病毒。众议院新冠病毒大流行特设小组委员会主席布拉德·温斯特鲁普议员要求公布福奇与中情局的所有通信,我们为议员的行动叫好!美国人民需要真相!
#福奇 #新冠病毒 #中共病毒 #新中国联邦 #消灭中共

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