If this FILTH wants to #BuildBackBetter to the #GreatReset ... ask yourself, do YOU?

1 year ago

A compilation of prominent political figures—including Tony Blair, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Justin Trudeau, Boris Johnson, Barack Obama, Joe Biden and others—using the World Economic Forum's 'Build Back Better' slogan, in reference to the WEF's 'Great Reset' agenda.

Not coincidence. They are programmed/told (by THEIR masters) to spread the very same message. This is a plan and they don’t hide it. This plan is the end-game ... for every human on Planet Earth. Total locked-down, digitally-controlled, concentration-camps from hell. A digital dystopia of totally controlled and farmed slaves, with no freedom of movement, and no way of "breaking free." If this happens, it's checkmate for humanity.

You know what to do. Fight like your life depends on it. Because it does. Yours, your children's, and your grandchildren's. This is for all the marbles.

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