28.09.22. Midweek Musings with Fifi & Sam. ❤️

1 year ago

28.09.22. Midweek Musings with Fifi & Sam. ❤️ "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times". (Fi is back to quoting Dickens again!) We are all facing so much change in such a short space of time it's hard to know which way is up and which way is down sometimes. We are indeed living in revelatory times and we are being confronted by our OWN truths every bit as much as those 'out there'. It seems to be that the very best (as well as the very worst) is brought out in us during times of intense adversity, when many of us discover what we are made of and who we truly are beyond the labels and superficial differences. The human spirit is a sacred, beautiful thing that has remained unbroken over eons no matter what has assailed it and it will not buckle to tyranny now. When we start trusting in that and not physical and psychological 'safety' over and above all else, the war being waged for our very minds, bodies and souls is finished and evil can no longer prosper in our world. The Great Awakening has begun and there is no turning back.

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