Para OR Normal Guyz - The Sportcat Show | "The Ghost Doctor: Mary Marshall's Paranormal Experiences"

7 months ago

In this episode, we interview Mary Marshall, a paranormal investigator and researcher with over 20 years of experience. She is the founder and director of Paranormal MD Investigations, a scientific and technology-based organization located in northwest Illinois. Mary is not limited to ghosts and hauntings but also delves into all fields and aspects of paranormal phenomena, including ufology and cryptozoology.
Mary is a passionate and dedicated investigator who is always keeping abreast of the latest scientific developments. She is also a strong advocate for the scientific method, and she always tests theories and searches for cause-and-effect relationships. She is not interested in sensationalism or hype but rather in conducting rigorous and objective investigations. If you are interested in learning more about the paranormal from a scientific perspective, this episode is a must-listen.
Mary is a passionate and knowledgeable advocate for the paranormal, and she brings a unique perspective to her work. She is also a gifted communicator, and her lectures and workshops are always engaging and informative.
If you are interested in the paranormal, this episode is for you. Mary Marshall is a leading expert in the field, and she has a wealth of knowledge and experience to share. She is also a gifted communicator, and her insights are sure to fascinate and inform you.
So, if you're ready to journey into the unknown and embrace the weird and wonderful, then Para OR Normal Guyz is the show for you.
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