Ajanta Cave in India (Maharashtra). please like and subscribe this channel

9 months ago

Ajanta Cave located in Maharashtra in India.
Ajanta Cave is series of Buddhist Rock caves in the Indian state of Maharashtra. The cave were built in the 2nd century and use to monastic retreats and worship hall by Buddhist monks. The cave were abandoned and forgotten after the decline of Buddhism in India but were rediscovered in 19 century and are Now a UNESCO World Heritage Site (2023)
Ajanta cave is famous for it stunning rock Cut sculptures and painting which depict various scene from the life of Buddha and other buddhist deities. The art work in the cave is an example of ancient Indian art and has had a significant influence on the development of Buddhist art in other part of Asia.
The cave are located in horseshoe shaped ravine on the side of cliff, over looking the Waghora River. There are 30 caves at the site including prayer hall, Chaityas (Prayer hall) and Viharas ( Monastic cell). Each cave unique in designs and beautiful looking features.

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