The government plans to make vaccines mandatory for the rest of your life

9 months ago

The government plans to create an entirely digital currency which will include mandatory vaccinations to be set every year, then every month, every week, and then eventually, even every single day. You'll have to live in the wilderness to even have a chance of survival to avoid these mandatory vaccinations and even then, they will send police to look for you in there so that they can forcibly vaccinate you against your will. Billions of people will die from this satanic plan. When people are starving nearly to death, most of them will cave in and take the vaccine out of desperation. They will be begging for it just to get a can of food for a while family while the parasitic elites laugh their asses off as they eat their lavish food meals as they cowardly hide in the secret continents no regular person has ever been to so that they can avoid the wrath of the people during the height of the great reset. Even those who would rather starve than take the vaccine will be forcibly held down by the police state and be physically forced to take the vaccines if they are not ready for what will happen before 2030: The "cyber pandemic" AKA the total grid shutdown that will be caused by the government which will end so many lives and provoke martial law to be declared for more draconian laws to be legislated against the people under the guise of "security" and "public health" when the truth is, the people will receive neither of those from them. They will eventually make vaccinations mandatory through a QR code system verification process, in which you have to prove through a digital database that you are up to date with your vaccinations to even use the internet any longer. They will also do this to cellular service as well. If you are smart, then you will be able to tell who's controlled opposition or brainwashed sheep just by seeing if they are using the internet. Anyone who still access to the internet after the digital vaccine passport becomes mandatory is someone who is a puppet of the new world order. That's why it's in your best interest, if you want to survive, to learn how to survive outside of the system. Don't depend on them for communications, clothing, food or weaponry, or they will use those resources against you for more manipulation and control of yourself, all for the great reset and the new world order. Whether I live through this or die resisting against them, I will never submit to these bastards. I will never take their mark. Neither should you.

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