Europe to Expand and Reorganize?

1 year ago

In September 2023, European Commission President Ursula vonder Leyen gave her annual State of the European Union. It was a motivational speech to push Europeans to support bold moves for expansion, trade, and international influence. She also mentioned Europe's Global Gateway project as well as her involvement in getting the G20 to go for the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC). Several days after her speech, a report titled ' Sailing on High Seas: Reforming and Enlarging the EU for the 21st Century' put out by Europeans from Germany and France called for an overhaul of the European Union so that it could manage expanding to over 30 nations. Will Europe reorganize? What does the Bible teach in Revelation 17:12-13? Will this involve more than 10 or 11 currently existing nations? Will this end up being a dictatorship? Could any of this have to do with the coming 'King of the North' of Daniel 11? Could a Bavarian 'strongman' possibly be involved in the future? Could the year 2030 be relevant? Dr. Thiel and Steve Dupuie discuss these matters and more.

A written article of related interest is available titled 'European leaders propose reorganization: A prelude to Revelation 17:12-13?' URL:

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