The Ben Armstrong Show | As Young People Drop Dead, Others Open Their Eyes Concerning the Vax

9 months ago

As many of you know, I discovered the mainstream media was lying about the number of deaths in 2020 by using statistical analysis and started warning everyone the covid19 pandemic was nefarious, or a huge money scam at best. As time passed I asked friends and family to pay attention to the 99.97% survival data that proved there was no need to inject a substance like a vaccine to prevent covid. Then I learned from experienced doctors that that specialized in respiratory pathology that it was impossible to use a vaccine taken intravenously to stop a respiratory virus. Otherwise, the common cold or flu would be eradicated. This is when I knew without a doubt the vaccine was fake and the agenda was not to heal people. Later Karen Kingston revealed the Covid vaccines were NOT vaccines, but bioweapons technology developed by DARPA. DARPA is a division of the D.C. U.S. Corporation's Department of Defense. This bioweapon information found in the patents opened the door to explain much of the corruption and deception that people are now starting to notice that were too close minded to realize was happening prior to 2021.

Ben Armstrong has been reporting facts almost as long as me and other truth tellers have been exposing the lies in the CIA controlled mainstream media.

People do not want to admit they were tricked and harmed. But, the evidence is everywhere and the deaths of young people at extreme levels is hard to ignore.

Video Sources:
1. - The Demise of Vaccinated Social Media ”Influencers” Paid To Promote The Clot Shot

2. - Dr. Peter McCullough Shows the world WHO poisoned them with the jab

3. - How the COVID Conspirators Will Cover Up Their Crimes – A Chilling Prediction by Ed Dowd

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