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Rahan. Episode Forty. The last man, by Roger Lecureux. A Puke (TM) Comic.
Episode Forty.
The last man.
When a crash of broken branches sounded behind him, the son of Crao.
Did not even have time to reach for his ivory knife.
The powerful arm of the gorilla surrounded him, taking his breath away.
He felt himself pressed against the hairy chest by the second arm.
The great “Four Hands” wants to suffocate Rahan.
He, he.
He tried to loosen this vice of muscles, but in vain!
Everything suddenly became blurry around him and he lost consciousness.
Page Two:
When he regained his senses, he was lying on a fork of an enormous tree.
The gorilla watched him with his cruel little eyes.
Rahan has not joined the territory of shadows.
Why did the “Four Hands” spare him?
But maybe he thinks Rahan is dead?!
The son of Crao remained motionless, feigning death.
He held his knife against his hip, but he knew that this weapon was useless to him.
A fight on this tree would have been fatal to him.
He kept his eyes half closed.
But what is he doing?
Rahan's hair seems to fascinate him!
The gorilla had approached.
His fingers felt the long blonde hair.
He grunted, as if to express his discontent!
Page Three:
The disturbing hairy hand lingered for a moment on the necklace of claws.
And Rahan thought it was going to close on his throat.
But it did not happen.
The gorilla leapt onto another branch and disappeared, growling into the thick foliage.
It is strange, thought Rahan!
The "Four Hands" reacts as if he were deceived by the enemy!
The danger appeared to be averted, and so the son of Crao let himself slide along the vines.
He blamed himself, the experienced hunter, for having allowed himself to be surprised in this way.
But perhaps it is better this way.
The “Four Hands” is a formidable adversary, and Rahan might have succumbed in a fight.
But. But.
Would Rahan become cowardly!?
Disquieted, he felt a claw on his necklace.
The one that symbolized “Courage”.
Page Four:
Then his fingers brushed against that of "Wisdom", and he felt reassured.
No! Rahan acted wisely!
What's the point of fighting when fighting is not essential!
He had been wandering since dawn in this unknown territory, and the fire of thirst was eating away at him.
So he joyfully rushed towards a spring that he had glimpsed.
It was perhaps because he immersed his head entirely in the clear, cool water that he did not hear the most curious, the most unusual of the clans, spreading out behind him!
Stand “Man from elsewhere!”
The water from our spring does not flow to refresh the enemy's throat!
After a brief moment of astonishment, the son of Crao smiled.
Very harsh words in the mouth of a little man!
Page Five:
The oldest of the children who looked at him must not have seen the “season-of-green-leaves” more than three times the fingers of the hand.
If you refuse to flee, we will force you to!
These children were not armed, but there were many of them.
They rushed forward, howling like a pack of young wolves!
The son of Crao was assailed by the wave.
Arms encircled his legs, hands of others clung to his wrists, others to his hair, and others to his neck.
He almost disappeared under the multitude!
I am Rahan!
And Rahan means no harm to “Those-who-walk-upright”, especially when they are your age!
The pack moved away, and Rahan was only held on the ground by a few adolescents, although he could certainly have freed himself.
But his curiosity was too strong!
Page Six:
Rahan surrenders to the little men!
We are no longer “Little men!”
We are the “Clan of the Abyss”. We are the masters of this entire territory!
The child spoke with the pride of a horde leader!
More intrigued than worried, the son of Crao allowed himself to be dragged away.
They don't even think of disarming Rahan!
They are only too happy to bring a captive back to their fathers!
He could not have known that a man, hidden in the foliage, was observing every move of the young clan.
A village appeared, which seemed deserted.
The huts stood near a chasm.
In the distance was a wide river.
The men probably have not returned from hunting!
But where are their women?
Page Seven:
Rahan's surprise grew even more when groups of people burst out of the huts.
Little girls!
They cheered the return of their young companions.
Where are your fathers?
And your mothers?
Where are the old ones?
The looks became even more hostile.
If Rahan speaks the same language as "the man of the forest", we will throw him into the abyss!
The man from the forest?
Quiet Rahan!
You should be the one answering the clan's questions!
Such is the order of Trah!
This resolute adolescent seemed to be the leader of this horde of children.
A moment later they gathered in a circle around the son of Crao.
And questions came from all sides.
Where do you come from? Where were you going?
Where do yours hide?
Page Eight:
The youngest approached the captive and fearfully felt his muscular legs.
They are curious like all young humans!
And Rahan does not have much to fear from them!
But to know their secret, he must earn their respect and trust!
Rahan will tell you everything about him.
But, first, he wants to greet your chief!
Grasping Trah, the son of Crao held him high above the ground.
Rahan greets the chasm clan, and its great leader Trah!
This demonstration of force was interrupted by screams of fear
Trah! Trah!
Kocik has fallen into the big flow!
The great flow carries him away!
Page Nine:
Trah! Trah!
Don't let me be devoured by the great flood!
Forgetting the captive, the horde of children rushed towards the river, in whose eddies one of their own was struggling.
The clan of the abyss remained frozen on the shore.
So you do not know "Crawling on water"!?
Rahan will bring back Kocik!?
The man does not have any common sense!
How can he dare to do such a thing?
A hundred statues watched Rahan dive, and swim towards Kocik, who was being dragged along by a current.
The son of the fierce ages disappeared under the water, following the child who was sinking!
Rahan must save him! He must! He must!
A clamor arose when he appeared on the surface, supporting Kocik!
Rahan is a human fish!
The legged snake will devour them both!
Page Ten:
If Rahan were alone, he would not fear you, “Skin-of-Wood”!
Rahan had seen the large crocodile which emerged from the reeds and swam towards him.
Many times he had triumphed over similar saurians.
But this time, the gesticulating child made the confrontation impossible!
Should he abandon Kocik to save himself?
The thought made him ashamed.
Nothing is lost, Kocik! But you have to trust Rahan! You have to believe Rahan!
Do not move!
Look at the sky and do not move!
The great flood will not eat you! Rahan swears!
From the shore, the young clan of the chasm witnessed the miracle.
Kocik, stiff as a log, floated on the surface!
And now, “Skin-of-Wood”, prepare to die!
Page Eleven:
The son of Crao knew about the stupidity of saurians.
He dove at the very moment when the fearsome jaws opened.
And the ivory knife disemboweled the monster, whose blood reddened the waters for an instant.
When he returned to the surface the current carried the still motionless Kocik.
Very good Kocik!
Very Good!
You will soon know how to “Crawl on water” as well as Rahan!
From a distance, the man en-ambush in the foliage saw Rahan bringing the child back to the bank.
He then observed the village.
Where there were a few kids left, the youngest of the clan.
Tarouk must take advantage of this opportunity!
Page Twelve:
Rahan saved Kocik from the “Great Flood” and kill the "Legged Snake"!
Is Rahan a god?
No. Rahan is just a simple hunter.
Screams suddenly rose from the village.
Tarouk! Let go had to wait until we moved away to attack our younger brothers!
Indeed, a moment later.
Tarouk has come!
He kidnapped Timaa! He ran away that way!
Onto the hunt brothers! I hope that this time we can Kill Tarouk!!
The children armed themselves with stones and sticks.
One moment Trah. Who is this Tarouk? It is time to tell Rahan the truth.
Tarouk is the man-of-the-forest we were telling you about!
For moons and moons, there has been a war between Tarouk and the Clan of the Abyss!
We often track him down, but each time he escapes us!
Page Thirteen:
Tarouk sometimes captures one of ours and keeps him prisoner for a whole day, to say strange things to him.
But why this war between Tarouk and you?
I do not know!
It has always been like this and it will be like this until we have killed Tarouk!
The son of the wild ages was very intrigued.
Rahan knows how to be quieter than a snake.
He will find Tarouk and bring back Timma to you, like he brought you Kocik!
In fact, Rahan very quickly found the traces of the kidnapper.
Crawling like a feline among the bushes, he heard a voice.
The man of the forest!
When Tarouk, crouching near his young captive, sensed the danger it was too late.
Rahan was jumping on him!
Page Fourteen:
“Tarouk-the-coward” prefers to kidnap children rather than fight a man!
Tarouk in fact did not resist and allowed himself to be pinned to the ground!
I do not want any harm to these children!
Let me go and I will explain.
A moment later, Crao's son would hear the strangest of stories.
I am Tarouk The last man of the abyss clan!
The season of green leaves has come back many times.
Since that cursed day when the great flood came out of its lair to devour our village!
It was terrible!
To save our children, we hoisted them onto the rock overlooking the chasm.
They were saved, but the horde was entirely decimated by the great flood!
Page Fifteen:
I was able to grab onto a tree and was carried away by the flood, which threw me into a chasm of water! My head must have hit a rock!
Because when I came back from the territory of shadows I didn't remember anything!
Not the horde! Nor from the anger of the great flood!
I was Tarouk, the only survivor of the horde!
From then on I lived like a beast in the forest.
Many seasons passed before my memory came back to me.
When I remembered, I only had one desire left.
To find my village, and see if our children had survived, and to help them.
I finally found the village, the children were safe and they had grown up.
I was happy.
I hoped to make them brave and loyal hunters, like their fathers were.
Page Sixteen:
Alas! The children had reconstituted the clan and they chased me away!
I believe that the oldest remember the anger of the great flood.
And they think that that day their parents abandoned them!
This is why they hate all adults!
This is why they are hunting me.
While I do everything to help them!
They sometimes discover a dead animal in the forest.
They don't know that it was Tarouk who killed it so that they would not go hungry!
And I often have to face the "Four-Hands", who gets too close to the village!
The son of Crao listened to the man, the last man, and was heavy with emotion.
I sometimes kidnap one of them to explain the truth to him. Alas!
All my efforts are in vain!
Tarouk had freed young Timaa who ran away as fast as his legs allowed!
Page Seventeen:
This little one also thinks I am lying!
And it will always be like this! Kids will always hate me!
No! Rahan has earned their trust!
He will explain everything to them and they will believe him!
Come on brother! Come!
As he followed Tarouk, the son of fierce ages realized that the man looked like him.
Same size. Same blonde hair.
Almost identical necklace, if it had not been for the shells.
He suddenly understood why the gorilla had attacked him, then spared him.
By attacking Rahan the “Four Hands” believed he was taking revenge on Tarouk!
Shouts of fear came to them as they came into sight of the village.
All the children had taken refuge in the huts and, near the abyss, the gorilla was violently hammering his chest.
Never had a “Four-Hands” dared to risk getting so close!
Here is Tarouk's opportunity to prove to the children that he is part of their clan!
Page Eighteen:
No Tarouk! The children need you!
You are the one who knows the origins of their clan!
It is you who can make men out of them!
You have to stay alive for this!
Rahan no longer has a clan or a horde!
It is up to him to face the "Four Hands"!
The son of Crao was already rushing forward, knife in hand.
It was, on the edge of the abyss, a terrifying fight.
The children, coming out of the huts, cheered every feint of Rahan.
They no longer even cared about Tarouk, who was waiting for the opportunity to intervene.
The ivory blade suddenly plunged into the hairy chest.
But the Gorilla, struck dead, grabbed Rahan's wrist before toppling into.
The void.
And Rahan, the son of fierce ages, was in turn dragged towards the abyss!
Page Nineteen:
Rahan is lost! He will join the "Territory-of-shadows" with you "Four-Hands"!
The Gorilla, tense in agony, did not let go of his grip!
Rahan felt the ground slip beneath him.
He saw the bottomless pit into which he would be dragged.
Adieu Brothers!
And that was when two firm human hands closed around his ankles!
Hands that held onto his life!
Courage brother!
If you have to die, we die together!
But it was Tarouk who came stumbling to his aid.
And the weight of the Gorilla was such that it dragged down the two men, who nothing could save!
Trah, the young leader, had turned pale.
Rahan sacrificed himself for the clan!
And Tarouk sacrifices himself for Rahan!
The clan must save the two!
Page Twenty:
The multitude of children rushed forward and grabbed the legs of the one they had always hated.
And the chain became strong and beautiful.
Rahan thought his arm was going to be torn off.
But the gorilla finally let go.
And as he spun in the void, Rahan felt himself being pulled upwards.
He saw Tarouk smiling at him fraternally.
The children, still out of breath, observed the two men with admiration and respect.
The "War" is over between you and the man-of-the-forest!
You will remain united as we were to save Rahan!
Rahan will teach you many things.
But first of all, he will tell you the story of Tarouk-the-Brave, who never abandoned the clan, which is also his!
Before the attentive circle, the son of Crao began the story of the last man of the clan of the abyss.
He knew he would be believed.
He knew that tomorrow Tarouk would make his children Brave and loyal hunters.
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