C19 Vax Shedding: Does It Exist? If so, who is at Risk?

1 year ago

Shedding has existed as long as mankind. Some are concerned that the vaxed are "shedding" on the unvaxed causing them harm. In this video I discuss what we know, what I have seen in my patients and what we can do to support a robust immune systems that is prepared for shedding, a virus or being exposed to other illnesses.

As always, I am not suggesting the strategies I mention are a cure to any disease and recommend that all do their own research in order to make informed decisions.

Please visit my website for supplement ordering. Marquis / Pathways (Code)

Some supplements I suggest:
Pecto-Sol C Binder
Ortho or Cellcore - Binders
Nebulizing Colloidal Silver or Hydrogen Peroxide
Colloidal Silver Nasal Spray

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